Jason Brownjason-brown

Jason Brown, National Security Director, Thales (Australia), was recognised for his contribution to the security profession and the wider community throughout his career.

Brown, a driving force behind the Australasian Council of Security Professionals, as well as the newly formed Security Industry Registry, has worked tirelessly for furthering professionalism in the sector, committing not only his time but also his personal and professional resources to that end.

Mike Rotherymike-rothery

Mike Rothery, First Assistant Secretary, Federal Attorney-General’s National Security Resilience Policy Division, was recognised for his public service and as an excellent role model in security policy formulation.

Rothery in his role in implementing Federal national security policy in respect of critical infrastructure, including cyber security, has been instrumental in promoting co-operation between government and private enterprise in ensuring the security of the nation.

Toufik Alameddinetoufik-alameddine

In the face of personal danger, Toufik Alameddine stopped years of violence and brought safety to thousands of people using a Western Sydney bus interchange.

The area was renowned for violence and intimidation with serious assaults and even murders occurring, with all prior attempts to stop the violence and intimidation being unsuccessful, including efforts by the police, the rail authorities, local community, youth groups, schools and local businesses.

Alameddine took on the role to manage the youth at the Exchange and quickly rid the area of the drug dealers and the gang members, bringing order and safety for all the school children, local businesses and general public, and in doing so, demonstrated the best that security can and should be.